Whakahoki Kōrero

Wanted to share some amazing feedback our Youth Pathways Team have received over the past year!

“I have Found working with Te Hono very beneficial for my wellbeing. I have been working with Bridie who has made working with the service a positive experience by being encouraging and helpful whilst finding other services to guide me into the work industry and adult life as well as giving her own advice and encouragement. Overall I have been greatly impacted in a positive way since using this service”.


“Having a positive person to work with me in achieving my goals has been great. Without this service i would not have been able to be where i am now. I am confident that i will be able to achieve my goals because of having these services available”.


“I have found this service very helpful, especially with my mental health and wellbeing. I have been working with Bridie, who has been really positive and encouraging of me she listens to me and understands how i feel, she makes me feel like i’m not alone. She helps me to feel like even with little steps i’m getting better which are good enough”.


“Even just having someone listening to me and actually wanting to help is such a big thing for me. Most people don’t know what to do with me, mostly because they don’t understand me. Bridie has not pushed me away like other services have”.


“Te Hono has helped me advocate for me with the mental health system, helped me gain extra NCEA credits, Helped me with socializing and helped with my general wellbeing and confidence”


“ You guys are literal lifesavers!”


“Te Hono has helped me with attending appointments for my physical and mental health to get on track, helping me with setting up work and study options and being my voice when i felt like i was not being heard”


“ I could not have made it this far without you guys support!”.


“ The team has been very amazing and supportive”.


He takoha na ngā tīpuna


Kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui!