He takoha na ngā tīpuna

On a beautiful day at Arahura Marae, a group of wahine gathered to receive their kauwae from Christine Harvey. The kauwae, a gift from our ancestors, is a symbol of strength, courage, and identity. The day was filled with laughter, tears, and a deep sense of connection to our whakapapa.

The ceremony began with a mihi whakatau, karakia, followed by a kai waiata and toanga puoro. We then received our kauwae, which were lovingly crafted by Christine Harvey, a Ngāi Tahu tā moko artist. Each kauwae was unique, reflecting the individuality of the recipient and their whakapapa.

After receiving our kauwae, there was a sense of sisterhood and support that filled the air, as each wahine celebrated their journey and the strength of their ancestors.

The day was a reminder of the importance of whakapapa and the connection to our ancestors. The kauwae is a symbol of this connection, a physical representation of the strength and courage of those who came before us. It is a reminder that we are never alone, that we are part of a rich and vibrant whakapapa that stretches back through time.

As the day came to a close, we left with our kauwae, a tangible reminder of the strength and courage within us. We left with a deeper connection to our whakapapa and a renewed sense of purpose. It was a day that will be remembered for years to come, a day of inspiration, connection, and celebration.


Mau Rākau


Whakahoki Kōrero