Youth Pathways Service

The West Coast Youth Pathways Service for Te Tai o Poutini is administered by Te Hono o Ngā Waka with funding from the Ministry of Social Development. The Youth Pathways programme supports rangatahi/youth aged 15 to 24 years into education, employment and training through an individualised programme which works with each participant at their own pace. Taking a flexible and tailored approach to mentor/support considering unique needs and circumstances. We support you to build confidence, work-ready skills, gain relevant credentials, and participate in work experience before engaging in employment, further education or training.

Throughout this phase, you will work one-on-one with your Pathways Advisor to develop an individualised plan, attend training, visit workplaces, access other support agencies and opportunities relevant to your individual needs, to support you to independence.

We have Youth Pathways Advisors in Westport, Greymouth and Hokitika, ready to support our rangatahi/youth to success. Our team of Pathways Advisors bring with them considerable experience in youth work, life coaching, wellness techniques and strong relationships with schools, agencies and other support services on the Coast that we work with collaboratively to ensure the best service and outcomes.

Our mission:

'To empower youth/rangatahi to become the best version of themselves’

Support available

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Eligibility Criteria:

  • 15-24 years of age

  • Living in Te Tai o Poutini /West Coast

  • Not currently in education, training or employment

Youth Pathways Participant

“It makes me feel like the first time that someone is actually listening to me and trying to help me”

Youth Pathways Participant

“I am a lot happier now I have things to do instead of just hanging out with friends and I am learning to be responsible with money and budget so I can save”

Youth Pathways Participant

“They have knowledge of what services are available and helped us come up with a plan and set of goals which were achievable”

Empowering youth/rangatahi to be the best version of themselves