Upcoming events.

Ta Moko with Paris Tainui
to 7 Jun

Ta Moko with Paris Tainui

With the success of last visit, we are excited to announce the return of Paris for another week in June. Both Te Hono and Whare Manaaki are lucky enough to have him in our tari for the week.

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Untitled Event

We are privileged to be able to take a few vans full of rangatahi to this amazing opportunity that is coming to Te Tai O Poutini!

Ngā mihi, Real talk for thinking of us.

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Neurodiverse Support Group Hokitika

Neurodiverse Support Group Hokitika

In a world where neurodiversity is increasingly recognised and celebrated, our town has embraced this ethos by establishing a neurodiverse support group aimed at equipping families with the tools and knowledge needed to advocate for their loved ones. This group serves as a beacon of hope, fostering understanding, acceptance, and inclusivity.

Our support group serves as a hub for sharing information about available supports and funding opportunities. We collaborate with local agencies, advocacy organizations, and governmental bodies to ensure families are aware of the resources at their disposal. Whether it's accessing therapy services, educational accommodations, or financial assistance, our goal is to eliminate barriers and ensure equitable access to support for all neurodiverse individuals.

Advocacy lies at the heart of our mission. We want to empower whānau to become effective advocates for their neurodiverse whānau members, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate systems and institutions.

We also want to advocate for systemic change within our town, working towards creating a more inclusive and accommodating environment for neurodiverse individuals to promote understanding and implement neurodiversity-friendly practices. By fostering a culture of acceptance and inclusion, we strive to create a community where neurodiverse individuals can thrive.

We want to provide a safe and welcoming space for whānau to share their concerns, ask questions, and seek guidance from peers who understand their experiences. Whether it's concerns about accessing services, navigating social interactions, or managing challenging behaviors, from lived experience our group aims to offer a supportive network where families can find empathy, encouragement, and practical advice.

By promoting understanding, acceptance, and inclusivity, we aim to build a community where all individuals, regardless of neurodiversity, can live, learn, work, and thrive together. Together, we are building bridges of understanding, compassion, and support, enriching the lives of neurodiverse individuals and strengthening our community as a whole.

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Hokitika Kai Drive

Hokitika Kai Drive

Christmas is a time of joy and celebration, but for many people, it can also be a time of stress and hardship. That's why we're asking you to join us in making everyone's Christmas stress-free this year by donating to the food drive.

By donating food, you can help feed the hungry in our community and make a difference in their lives. Plus, you'll feel good knowing that you're helping others enjoy a festive and healthy meal.

Donating food is easy and rewarding. You can drop off your non-perishable food items at any of our collection points or make a financial donation online. Every donation counts no matter how big or small.

Together, we can spread the spirit of Christmas and make this a season of giving and gratitude. Thank you for your generosity and support. 🎄

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Mātāwaka ki Poutini

Mātāwaka ki Poutini

A day of fun and adventure for the whole whānau! Get ready for a day of WAKA AMA fun, games, kai & excitement for all our whānau! This event is perfect for whānau and tamariki of all ages and is sure to provide hours of entertainment.

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Christmas Present Drive
to 20 Dec

Christmas Present Drive

The Christmas present drive is a way of showing the whānau that they are not alone, that they are valued, and that they have a place in the community. It is also a way of celebrating the spirit of Christmas, which is about giving, sharing, and caring for others. It is a way of making a difference in the lives of the tamariki, who are the future of Te Tai o Poutini.

The gifts are then sorted by age and gender and attached a personalised card to each gift, with a message of aroha and encouragement. The gifts are then distributed to the whānau to give to their tamariki on Christmas Day, or whenever they celebrate it.

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Breast Screening Pahi

Breast Screening Pahi

Nau mai haere mai wahine, come and join us for a day, we are excited to welcome the new breast screening pahi, a mobile clinic. Breast cancer is the most common cancer for women in Aotearoa, and early detection can save lives. If you have not had a mammogram in the last two years, or if you have any questions or concerns about breast health, this is a great opportunity to come and talk with the friendly staff from BreastScreen Aotearoa.

While you wait or after you have finished, you can enjoy a delicious bbq with your whānau and friends, courtesy of our awesome kaimahi. You can also check out our other services and programs such as parenting support, kura support, rangatahi mentoring, mātauranga māori and more. We have something for everyone, and we are here to help you thrive and grow.

So come along and have some fun, learn something new, and take care of yourself and your loved ones. We look forward to seeing you at Te Hono O Ngā Waka, 47 Revell Street, Hokitika.

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Facilitation Workshop - Raising Awesome Whānau
to 28 Sep

Facilitation Workshop - Raising Awesome Whānau

Parenting Place are coming to Hokitika to train up facilitators to be able to run their awesome workshop!

Building Awesome Whānau draws on the wisdom of mātauranga Māori and the best of Toolbox to offer you and your family a kaupapa that is unique to Aotearoa. Designed for whānau raising children aged 0-12, this course can be delivered over a number of weeks, or as a wānanga (facilitator dependent).

Some familiar faces have helped us to create this resource so it’s packed full of great ideas, positive stories from parents still on the journey with their own tamariki and practical ideas to help you. Your facilitator will draw on the wealth of wisdom and experiences present in the group, and weave that together with all that is Building Awesome Whānau, so that you are supported and encouraged as you awhi (nurture) and build your awesome whānau.

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Tues 26th September

Tues 26th September

Suicide prevention day is a global event that aims to raise awareness and action to prevent suicides. "Creating hope through action". On this day, we can all show our support and compassion to those who are struggling with suicidal thoughts or have lost someone to suicide. By creating hope through action, we can make a difference in the lives of others and ourselves. Suicide prevention day is not only a day to remember the lives lost, but also a day to celebrate the lives saved.

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Kapa Haka

Kapa Haka

Kapa Haka enhances positive well-being by encouraging a sense of belonging, providing a “safe haven” in which to practice te reo me ōna tikanga, whilst reinforcing social collaboration and cohesion.

It improves physical and mental health by providing a fun and challenging workout for the brain and body.

It fosters creativity and innovation by allowing participants to explore different types of music and dance, and to express their emotions and messages through facial expressions and body movements.

It supports language and cultural revitalisation by preserving and transmitting the Māori history, politics, cosmology, and origin stories through waiata, haka, poi, and mōteatea.

It contributes to the national identity and diversity of New Zealand by showcasing the unique and powerful art form of kapa haka to the world.

Kapa haka is not only a performance, but also a way of life. It is a living art form that has evolved over time and continues to inspire people around the world.

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Mau Rakau round 2

Mau Rakau round 2

Mau rākau, the art of the warrior

A legacy of courage, skill and honour

With taiaha, patu and other weapons

You strike, block, counter and defend

You learn the tikanga, the reo and the whakapapa

You connect with your ancestors, your people and your land

You are not just a fighter, you are a guardian

Of a culture that is ancient, vibrant and sacred

Mau rākau, the art of the warrior

A treasure to cherish, share and nurture.

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Open Day

Open Day

Te Hono O Ngā Waka are proud to invite you to our open day at our new Tari. Come and see our new space, meet our staff and volunteers, and enjoy a cuppa and a kai. We look forward to seeing you there!

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Health and Social Services & Public Health Workers

Health and Social Services & Public Health Workers

Nau Mai, Haere Mai.

Kati Wae Wae is one of the four principal hapu of Ngai Tahu, the largest iwi in the South Island of New Zealand. They have a long history of living and working in Te Tai o Poutini, the West Coast region, where they have maintained their cultural identity and practices despite the challenges of colonisation. Colonisation has had a negative impact on the well-being of Maori people, who have faced discrimination, land loss, language suppression and cultural assimilation. These factors have contributed to the disparities in health, education, income and social outcomes that Maori experience today.

If you want to learn how you can support the aspirations and rights of Kati Wae wae and other Maori communities in Te Tai o Poutini come along.

If you want to respect the tikanga (customs), te reo (language) and tino rangatiratanga (self-determination) come and listen to the stories, acknowledge their grievances as well as celebrate the achievements.

If want to work with us as allies for a more inclusive, diverse and equitable society come along!

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