Wahine Toa

Last week, six of us wahine were lucky enough to get to spend a day at equine therapy with the Anzac therapy horses from Christchurch.

Equine therapy is a form of animal-assisted therapy that involves interacting with horses to improve mental and emotional well-being. The horses are specially trained to be gentle and responsive to human emotions. They can sense our feelings and offer comfort, support, and feedback.

We spent the day grooming, feeding, walking and riding. The horses were amazing, they were calm, friendly, and playful. They made us feel relaxed, happy, and connected.

We learned a lot from the horses and from each other. We learned to trust, communicate, and cooperate. We learned to be present, mindful, and grateful. We learned to laugh, enjoy, and appreciate. We had such a great time, lots of laughs, connections, and feelings of happiness together.

We are so thankful to the Anzac therapy horses and their handlers for this wonderful experience. We highly recommend it to anyone who needs a break from stress and wants to reconnect with nature and themselves. It was a day we will never forget.


Poho Kererū


Ngā mihi J&J