Ngā mihi J&J

As the year 2023 comes to an end, we would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to Jack and Jerry, our dedicated and talented Mau rākau kaiako. They have been working hard to teach and inspire our rangatahi in the schools around Te Tai o Poutini.

Mau rākau is a traditional Māori martial art that uses wooden weapons such as taiaha, patu, and mere. It is not only a form of self-defense, but also a way of preserving and celebrating Māori culture, values, and identity. Jack and Jerry have been sharing their knowledge and skills with our young people, helping them to develop confidence, discipline, and respect.

We have loved watching their work and seeing the progress and achievements of our rangatahi. They have learned about the history and significance of Mau rākau, and how it connects them to their ancestors, their land, and their people.

We are very proud of Jack and Jerry, and we look forward to continuing our mahi with them in the next year as they continue to spread the spirit and the beauty of Mau rākau to our communities and beyond. Thank you for all your hard mahi, Jack and Jerry. You are amazing!

“I can’t express in words how much Jack’s work has been appreciated. Our DP communicated to me after briefly observing Jack tutoring the other week that he was very impressed with both the depth of Jack’s knowledge and the sincerity, commitment, and passion he showed in the way he was talking to our students. We are keen to have him back next year. Me mihi ka tika hoki ki a Jerry mō tōna kaha ki te kawe mai i tēnei kaupapa ki ngā rangatahi o ngā kura tini o Te Tai o Poutini. Nāna anō i whakahikohiko i ngā mōhiotanga me te māramatanga o wēnei āhuatanga o Te Whare Pū Rākau mō te hunga taiohi e pōkea nei e ngā whiu o tēnei ao. Nei rā te mihi maioha ki a koutou mā o Te Hononga o Ngā Waka, e hāpai ana i te tokorua nei e whakapau kaha ana ki te mahi i ēnei mahi whakahirahira (feedback from one of the kura).”


Wahine Toa

