Enhancing our Team

We had a great team building day today, welcoming our new youth worker as well as all learning about personalities, including our strengths and vulnerabilities. It was a valuable opportunity to get to know each other better and to appreciate our diversity and uniqueness. We also had a chance to reflect on our work and our mission, and to share our feedback and ideas for improvement.

Another memorable activity was a beautiful stroll along the beach, where we remembered our Totara tree that has fallen today. The Totara tree is a symbol of strength, resilience, and longevity in Māori culture, and we felt a connection with it as we work with whānau who face many challenges and need our support. We also sent our love to the whānau at this time, as we know they are going through a difficult period. We expressed our gratitude for her being part of our lives and this community.

The day ended with a delicious Jamaican kai cooked for us by our hoa Jax. She prepared some amazing dishes, such as jerk chicken, rice and peas, scallops, and coconut cake, tino rika! We thoroughly enjoyed the food and the company and got to learn a little about Jamaican culture and history.

We are thankful for this opportunity to bond with each other and to grow as a team.


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