Health Homes

We are thrilled to announce that we have partnered with Te Hā o Kawatiri and Whare Manaaki to deliver the Healthy Homes Initiative for Te Tai o Poutini. This initiative aims to provide warm, dry and healthy homes for low-income families with children, pregnant people, and those who have been hospitalised with housing-related conditions.

We recently attended a conference in Pōneke where we learned from the experiences and successes of other providers across Aotearoa. We were inspired by the stories of how our fellow kaimahi are making a difference in the lives of whānau by helping them access insulation, curtains, beds, heating, repairs, and alternative accommodation as needed.

We also had the honour of meeting Dr Ashley Bloomfield, the former Director-General of Health who led New Zealand’s health response to the COVID-19 pandemic. He shared his story of being a leader for the nation during a challenging and complex time in relation to our now housing crisis. He praised our work and encouraged us to continue our mahi with humour and grace.

We met some amazing people who are doing incredible mahi for their communities. We are grateful for their support and guidance as we embark on this journey. We are eager to get started and to see the positive impact of our mahi on the health and wellbeing of our whānau.

We will keep you updated on our progress and achievements. Together, we can create healthier homes and happier families for Te Tai o Poutini.



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