Some say support worker…

I say grace! I wanted to take the time to thank you. I know I always say it but i want you to know how thankful we really are and to show you, our appreciation. I still clearly remember our first ever phone call and going great another person to miss me off and do sweet bugger all then leave. BUT you didn’t!!! You didn’t just speak up for my son, you showed up when it mattered the most and you continue to do so every single time without fail. You moved mountains and fought battles that i though were going to be impossible battles that i was ready to give up on. You backed my son 100% and looked past the crap to see the amazing human that he is! You heard our cry’s and showed that not everyone will leave after a couple of weeks. You were so patient and understanding with my son knowing that once you showed him trust and respect, he would open up to you and that its ok. You have built his confidence up so much, everything you and your team organise for our son and the other kids is beyond amazing! Our son always comes home with a huge smile on his face and just so full of life.

Its not just him that you have helped. You have helped me ALOT too, not just with the school but mentally! I was ready to give up on everyone involved and lose my shit until you come along. I know i can be very straight up and at times difficult, but you understand me and see that I’m tired from fighting all the battles and having bugger all out comes, playing cat and mouse for the same outcomes that achieve noting. I’m so thankful that you have backed me and helped me use my voice to get the results needed for my son because at the end of the day thats what everything is about. The best life for him!

I dont just see your support, I hear it and feel it! I really appreciate everyting you have done and continue to do. The amount of hours you have put in to getting shit done and supporting us is absolutely insane! Literally a saving grace. On the days that you are tired or the days you feel like you cant do anything remember you are amazing and you can move mountains! THANK YOU!!


A Week of Vax & Heart Checks


Empowering Rangatahi