Empowering Rangatahi

A Journey with the Ministry of Youth Development.

As the winds of change blow through our community, we find ourselves embracing the opportunity to empower our rangatahi (youth) ages 12-24 through the Ministry of Youth Development. It’s been a journey filled with excitement, adventure, and most importantly, growth.

We couldn’t be more thrilled to announce our success with the Ministry of Youth Development application, which has allowed us to embark on a transformative journey with our rangatahi. Spearheaded by Hayley Smith, alongside the invaluable support of Stephen Brassett, our program has flourished, igniting a spark within over 30 young individuals during an incredible term 1.

Reflecting on our journey thus far, it’s been nothing short of extraordinary. From the outset, our mission was clear: to provide enriching experiences that not only foster personal development but also cultivate a deep sense of connection to our land, culture, and community.

Our adventures have been as diverse as they have been enriching. From traversing the ancient pathways of Pounamu to scaling the heights of Awa, our rangatahi have embraced every challenge with courage and enthusiasm. But it’s not just about conquering physical feats; it’s about instilling a sense of resilience, determination, and self-belief that will serve them well beyond these adventures.

Waka ama has seen our youth navigate the waters with grace and unity, fostering teamwork and camaraderie. Bushcraft adventures have taught essential survival skills while deepening their connection to nature. Each experience has been carefully crafted to provide not just fun outings, but meaningful opportunities for growth and learning.

What’s truly heartening is witnessing the transformation within our rangatahi. With each adventure, we see them blossom—growing in confidence, resilience, and a sense of belonging. They’re not just participants; they’re active agents of change, shaping their own futures and the world around them.

And let’s not forget the invaluable contribution of our dedicated team. Hayley’s passion and dedication have been the driving force behind our program’s success, while Stephen’s commitment, even on his two days a week, has been instrumental in shaping memorable experiences for our rangatahi.

As we look ahead, our journey with the Ministry of Youth Development is far from over. We’re excited about the possibilities that lie ahead—new adventures to embark on, new skills to master, and new connections to forge. But one thing remains constant: our unwavering commitment to empowering our rangatahi, ensuring they have the tools and support they need to thrive.

Together, we’re building a brighter future—one adventure at a time. And as we continue on this journey, we invite you to join us in championing the potential of our rangatahi, empowering them to reach new heights and embrace the limitless possibilities that lie ahead.


Some say support worker…


Kaimahi Hauora