Supporting our neurodiverse tamariki.

This past weekend, we had the privilege of hosting Mind Over Manner here in Te Tai O Poutini, and the experience was nothing short of amazing. The workshops focused on providing practical tools and strategies to support our neurodiverse tamariki, especially in the kura environment. It was great to see whānau, educators, and community members there to learn how we can better understand and assist our rangatahi.

Neurodiverse tamariki often experience the world in unique ways, and this can sometimes make navigating the structure of a classroom challenging for them. What stood out during the Mind Over Manner sessions was the emphasis on communication and collaboration between tamariki, whānau, and schools. We learned that by adopting a more flexible, mana-enhancing approach to learning, we can help neurodiverse students thrive both in and out of the classroom.

One key takeaway was the importance of creating safe and inclusive learning environments. It’s not just about changing the curriculum to fit the child, but also about fostering a space where they feel heard, supported, and understood. The workshop presenters emphasised the value of “mindful listening” – listening without judgment, and creating an open dialogue that honors each child's unique needs.

For our whānau, it was empowering to see that we have the ability to be strong advocates for our tamariki. We were reminded that every child, regardless of their neurodiversity, has limitless potential when they are given the right support.

As we look to the future, the kōrero and learning from this weekend will guide us in our efforts to build better pathways for our tamariki. Whether through fostering stronger communication between schools and whānau or developing strategies to support our neurodiverse learners.

The team at Mind Over Manner has left a lasting impact on us all. As we continue to uplift and empower our tamariki, we can be proud knowing that we are working together to ensure that every child can flourish at kura and beyond.

Ngā mihi to everyone who made this a success. Together, we can create a future where all our tamariki – neurodiverse or not – can stand tall in their mana.


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