Kua Mahia!

Welcome to our new tari. I am very happy and proud to be here with you all today. This is a milestone for Te Hono o Ngā Waka.

I would like to thank Te Rua for coming in this morning and blessing our space for us. It was a beautiful and meaningful ceremony.

I would also like to acknowledge the people who have made this possible.

First of all, I would like to thank Whare, the founder and visionary leader of Te Hono o Ngā Waka. He saw the need and potential for more support for our whānau, and he initiated and led the establishment of this organisation. He has been a mentor and a call a friend to me throughout this journey, and I am grateful for his guidance and support. Without him, Te Hono o Ngā Waka would not exist.

Secondly, I would like to thank the Te Hono board for their wisdom and expertise. You have been instrumental in shaping the vision and direction of this organisation. You have helped us navigate the challenges and opportunities that come with being a new organisation, and you have always been there for me.

Thirdly, I would like to thank West REAP for their support and hosting us for the past two years. West REAP is our sister organisation that shares our kaupapa and vision. They were very welcoming and supportive, and they put up with us and our tamariki for the past two years! We appreciate their kindness and generosity, and we look forward to continuing our partnership with them in the future.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge my team. You are the backbone of this organisation, and you have made our vision of having our own space a reality. Te Hono o Ngā Waka is leading the way in upskilling whānau to support whānau in this community. You are addressing the issues of colonisation and trauma with courage and compassion, and you are excelling both personally and professionally. Your dedication and commitment are inspiring to everyone, as we witness your growth through your mahi. This then inspires more whānau to make the changes, find their passions, and join in the movement of intergenerational change.

We are excited about what lies ahead, we have a vision and mission of providing support that is culturally responsive, relevant, and inclusive. We love Te Reo Te Ao Māori, and as part of our kaupapa, we are also re-indigenising ourselves and our whānau. We want to share it with everyone, shout it from the rooftop, as we know this is the way to not only honour our culture but empower our people.

We want to keep creating spaces and opportunities for people to learn and use Te Reo Te Ao Māori, and to grow their language and express their māoritanga. We have a vision of making Te Reo Te Ao Māori a normal and living thing that enriches our lives and our community.

We also believe that being Māori is a superpower that we need our whānau to know, believe, and unleash. We have our own answers if we are allowed to follow our solutions.  This is because we have a rich and diverse heritage that gives us strength and resilience. We have a unique and dynamic worldview that helps us understand and appreciate the world around us. We have a vibrant and expressive language that connects us to our ancestors and our culture. We have a collective and collaborative spirit that enables us to work together and support each other. We have a creative and innovative potential that allows us to adapt and thrive in any situation.

Being Māori is not a disadvantage or a burden, but an advantage and a blessing. Being Māori is a superpower that we can use to make a positive difference in our own lives, our communities, and our society.

Finally finally lol, my heartfelt gratitude to Wesley. You are a tremendous help for us in all our projects. You are an example of a superpower who can make such a difference. This space would not be the beautiful place it is for us today without your hard mahi and dedication. I can’t thank you enough Wes!

Thank you for being here today. Thank you for your interest, involvement, and collaboration with Te Hono o Ngā Waka.


Whānau Te Reo Māori


Tīmatanga hou.