Youth Pathways Team

I am excited to introduce the full Youth Pathways team. The team has received great feedback from clients and their whānau, which is a testament to their hard work and dedication.

The Youth Pathways team has done an amazing job over the past year. The staff focuses solely on the development of the Rangatahi they work with and their whānau to ensure the young person is the centre of all they seek to achieve.

The team’s hard work and dedication has paid off, they have received great feedback from clients and their whānau which is a testament to the team’s commitment to providing a foundation where young people can gain skills to improve the quality of their future, ensuring when they leave, they are better off with more skills than when they started. The team’s passion for early intervention and transitional support is evident in the positive outcomes they have achieved for young people. Bring on year 2!!


Starting 2024 with a bang!


Meri Kirihimete