Staff Feedback

It has been a year since I started working for Te Hono o Nga Waka.  I was very excited to be given the opportunity to come into a space that embraces you as whānau and is passionate about making change for future generations.  As I reflect on the last year and the person that I have become from being in such a supportive workspace I feel quite privileged and emotional to be given this opportunity.  I now have so much drive and confidence to put myself out there to try new things, study, do trainings and then share what I am learning with other whānau who I am supporting.  This job has opened up so many pathways for me, some I would never have found otherwise.  I feel more connected to my culture and have more knowledge about my whakapapa. 

Connection with whānau is definitely key to success in this area of work.  I am very excited to keep learning and growing in myself so I can be an inspiration to others around me and who I support through this mahi.

I must say there has been some challenges I have had to overcome in my mahi and at home, but I have come away from these situations feeling much stronger and clearer than ever.  I now have a better understanding on setting my own boundaries, remaining neutral and making sure that my self-care comes first when working in this space.  To help others I must help myself first in all areas of life – Te Whare Tapa Wha – Physical, Whanau, Spiritual and Mental………..when all four walls are strong, I will be strong!

Ehara taku toa I

te toa takitahi,

engari he toa


My success is not mine alone, it is the success of the collective.

No one gets there alone………



Ka kite Naomi


Pensioner Kai