Our Winter Packs

This winter, we have had the privilege of putting together winter packs for our whānau through our Healthy Homes Mahi. It's heartwarming to see the community come together, supporting one another to ensure everyone stays warm and well during these colder months.

Our winter packs are more than just items; they represent our collective effort to care for each other. With temperatures dropping and the weather becoming harsher, it's crucial that our whānau have access to the essentials that keep them comfortable and healthy. Each pack includes warm clothing, blankets, and other necessities that provide much-needed relief from the cold.

Winter brings with it a unique set of challenges, particularly when it comes to health. The combination of flu and COVID-19 can be especially daunting. That’s why we’re also advocating for everyone to get their flu shots and COVID boosters. These vaccinations are vital in helping protect our community from the severe impacts of these illnesses.

Our Healthy Homes Mahi (thank you Mikayla Tumahai) is a testament to what we can achieve when we work together. It's about more than just distributing packs; it's about fostering a sense of belonging and mutual support. We're not just keeping warm; we're building resilience and showing that, no matter the season, we have each other's backs.

To all our whānau: Keep warm, keep well, and make sure to get your flu shot and COVID booster. These bugs are crazy together, but together, we are stronger. Let's continue to support one another and make this winter a season of warmth and wellness.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay connected.


The Voice of Rangatahi-Mana Mokopuna


Needle Exchange Programme