Eke Zip

On a beautiful sunny day, our staff gathered at the Hokitika zip line at the tree top walk for a fun and exciting team building day.

The zip line adventure was a great way to experience the stunning native forest from a different perspective, as well as to challenge ourselves and step out of their comfort zones. The staff “enjoyed” flying through the air at speeds of up to 50 km/h, feeling the adrenaline rush and the wind in our faces.

We admired the views of the Maunga and Lake Kaniere and shared pūrākau of the Mahinapua battle. The team building day was not only fun and adventurous, but also connected us as a team.

We returned from the day with a sense of accomplishment, joy and camaraderie. We had a lot of laughs and memories to share and felt more motivated and inspired.


Ki te hoe whakamua!


Wow, ataahua!