Culture Festival

A Joyful Day with it was at the Culture Festival with a lot of fun, laughter, and cultural appreciation. The festival was a vibrant showcase of some of the community’s heritage, filled with activities that delighted people of all ages.

One of the highlights of the day was undoubtedly the delicious traditional food. We served up a hearty boil-up and fry bread, which were an absolute hit. The aroma of the simmering pots drew everyone in, and it was no surprise that we went through three large pots!

In addition to the fantastic food, the festival was packed with engaging activities that allowed everyone to connect with our culture in meaningful ways. One of the most popular activities was harakeke weaving.

A huge thank you to the Lions Club for their incredible effort in organizing and bringing this festival to life. The Culture Festival was a testament to the strength and vibrancy of our community. The laughter, the delicious food, the creative activities, and the sense of togetherness made the afternoon truly special.


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