BAW - Term 2

Building Awesome Whānau: A Partnership with Kati Waewae Runanga and Whare Manaaki

Are you ready to strengthen the bonds within your whānau and build a foundation of aroha? We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Kati Waewae Runanga and Whare Manaaki to bring you the empowering Building Awesome Whānau Workshop!

Mark your calendars for May 11th and 12th, where we'll embark on two full days of transformative experiences at Arahura Marae. But that's not all—our journey continues weekly for six weeks starting on May 16th, where we'll be at Whare Manaaki in Māwhera, delving into the essence of whānau building.

What makes these workshops even more special? They're free! We believe that every whānau deserves the opportunity to thrive, which is why we've made these workshops accessible to all. And don't worry about childcare—we've got you covered. Feel free to bring your tamariki along, and we'll ensure they're taken care of while you participate in the sessions.

The heart of the Building Awesome Whānau workshops lies in our kaupapa—building love within our whānau. Together, we'll explore strategies, share stories, and engage in activities aimed at nurturing stronger connections, fostering understanding, and promoting love and harmony within our families.

Whether you're a parent, grandparent, caregiver, or simply someone who values the power of whānau, these workshops are for you. Join us as we embark on this incredible journey of growth, healing, learning, and love.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to enrich your whānau life. Come along, bring your whānau, and let's build something truly awesome together!

We can't wait to see you there!


Winter Kai Drive


Protecting Your Health: The Importance of Free Flu Shots