Building Awesome Whānau

We really enjoyed our training Building Awesome Whānau. This is a course that aims to help parents and caregivers raise their children in a way that is respectful, loving, and empowering. The course is based on the principles of mātauranga Māori, the indigenous knowledge and wisdom of the Māori people, as well as the best practices from the Toolbox Parenting Programme, a research-based programme that has been running in New Zealand for over 20 years. The course covers topics such as communication, aroha, whānau atmosphere, boundaries, and living in the big wide world. The course is designed for whānau with children aged 2-13, and can be delivered in different formats, such as weekly sessions or a weekend wānanga. The course is facilitated by trained and experienced facilitators who can tailor the content to the needs and interests of each group. The course also features videos from Pio Terei and other guests who share their stories and insights on parenting. The course is a great opportunity to learn new skills, connect with other parents, and build a brighter future for your whānau.

We can’t wait to bring it to you :-)




Te Reo Māori