Te Hono o Nga Waka tamariki

Te Hono O Ngā Waka is a kaupapa Māori organisation supporting whānau and meeting need in Te Tai o Poutini

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Kai & Kōrero
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Kai & Kōrero

Last week, amidst the pitter-patter of raindrops and the scent of freshly cooked kai, we had the joyous opportunity to gather at Lazer Park for a heartwarming reunion. It was a day filled with laughter, catching up, and the joy of seeing our children play together, carefree and happy. As we reminisce on this beautiful gathering, it's evident that these moments are what truly enrich our lives.

The kai, prepared with love and care, was a testament to the culinary talents within our group. From roast port and lamb to flavorful kumara & salad, each dish was a delight for the senses. And as we savored each bite, and including dessert!

But perhaps the most heartening aspect of our gathering was witnessing our children's joy as they played together in the rain-soaked surroundings. Their laughter echoed through the park, a reminder of the simple pleasures that bring us together. As they chased each other, their innocent smiles served as a poignant reminder of the beauty of childhood friendship.

For our parents, the gathering provided a much-needed reprieve from the daily grind. With no cooking or dishes to worry about, they could relax and enjoy the moment, basking in the warmth of our community whānau.

In retrospect, our kai and kōrero at Lazer Park was more than just a gathering—it was a reaffirmation of the importance of connection and community. In a world filled with hustle and bustle, these moments of togetherness serve as anchors, grounding us in what truly matters—love, laughter, and shared experiences.

So, to all who joined us on that rainy day, thank you for adding warmth and light to our gathering. May our bonds continue to grow stronger with each passing day, and may we always find joy in the simple pleasures of life. Until we meet again in May.

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Journey to Self-Worth at TPP
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Journey to Self-Worth at TPP

One of our pathways advisors Bridie with her student Nikita in the kitchen at the supported learning course at the Tai Poutini Polytechnic. Nikita has come such a long way during her time in our youth pathways service. When we first met Nikita she was mentally and physically suffering. So Bridie and Nikita have been working closely together with getting Nikita’s life back on track again, achieving small goals one step at a time. And now here she is showing herself that she is 100% worth it, doing something out of her comfort zone.

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Te Ra ā Tamariki
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Te Ra ā Tamariki

A fun day out with the Monday Mokopuna Ora Parenting Ropu strengthening relationships and unity of tamariki and parents.

We exchanged ideas and love for children's development for promoting tamariki well-being. Acknowledging the importance and appreciating our tamariki language to enhance their enthusiasm and genuine affection for their connection to the Māori world. The Māori language is a great treasure for us, and by strengthening this language, our tamariki can strengthen their own connections to the Māori world.

Our goal is to empower strength, participation, and the desire to our whānau bodies and minds. Let us support and help each other achieve our dreams and find the paths they desire to develop.

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Embracing Unity
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Embracing Unity

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your support and ongoing commitment to us. Our Mokopuna Ora contract has made a significant difference in the lives of so many whānau within our ropu. Through your generosity and dedication, we've been able to achieve incredible progress and positive outcomes.

The visit gave us a momentous opportunity to showcase the collective achievements and successes of our community. We were able to share stories of growth, resilience, and empowerment, highlighting the impact of our collaborative efforts.

As we reflect on the visit, we're reminded of the strength and unity within our whānau. Together, we've created a supportive and nurturing environment where everyone can thrive and flourish.

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Mau Rākau
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Mau Rākau

In the heart of Te Tai o Poutini, something truly remarkable is happening. Jerry and Jack, two passionate individuals dedicated to the revitalisation of traditional Mau Rākau. Their tireless efforts have seen them working with over 15 schools, inspiring young minds and fostering a deep connection to the cultural heritage of Aotearoa.

Breathing new life into ancient practices their work not only preserving traditional knowledge but also empowering our community to embrace our heritage and pass it on to future generations.

Jerry and Jack's journey began with a shared vision to reconnect people with the Mau Rākau traditions of their ancestors. Through workshops, educational programs, and community events, they've sparked a renewed interest in waka navigation, weaving together history and culture in a compelling tapestry.

Now, with their reach expanding and the demand for their expertise growing, Jerry and Jack are taking another significant step forward. They are welcoming a new apprentice into their fold, aiming to increase the capacity and ensure the longevity of their mission for generations to come.

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He takoha na ngā tīpuna
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

He takoha na ngā tīpuna

On a beautiful day at Arahura Marae, a group of wahine gathered to receive their kauwae from Christine Harvey. The kauwae, a gift from our ancestors, is a symbol of strength, courage, and identity. The day was filled with laughter, tears, and a deep sense of connection to our whakapapa.

The ceremony began with a mihi whakatau, karakia, followed by a kai waiata and toanga puoro. We then received our kauwae, which were lovingly crafted by Christine Harvey, a Ngāi Tahu tā moko artist. Each kauwae was unique, reflecting the individuality of the recipient and our whakapapa.

After receiving our kauwae, there was a sense of sisterhood and support that filled the air, as each wahine celebrated their journey and the strength of their ancestors.

The day was a reminder of the importance of whakapapa and the connection to our ancestors. The kauwae is a symbol of this connection, a physical representation of the strength and courage of those who came before us. It is a reminder that we are never alone, that we are part of a rich and vibrant whakapapa that stretches back through time.

As the day came to a close, we left with our kauwae, a tangible reminder of the strength and courage within us. We left with a deeper connection to our whakapapa and a renewed sense of purpose. It was a day that will be remembered for years to come, a day of inspiration, connection, and celebration.

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Whakahoki Kōrero
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Whakahoki Kōrero

Wanted to share some amazing feedback our Youth Pathways Team have received over the past year!

“I have Found working with Te Hono very beneficial for my wellbeing. I have been working with Bridie who has made working with the service a positive experience by being encouraging and helpful whilst finding other services to guide me into the work industry and adult life as well as giving her own advice and encouragement. Overall I have been greatly impacted in a positive way since using this service”.

 “Having a positive person to work with me in achieving my goals has been great. Without this service i would not have been able to be where i am now. I am confident that i will be able to achieve my goals because of having these services available”.

“I have found this service very helpful, especially with my mental health and wellbeing. I have been working with Bridie, who has been really positive and encouraging of me she listens to me and understands how i feel, she makes me feel like i’m not alone. She helps me to feel like even with little steps i’m getting better which are good enough”.

“Even just having someone listening to me and actually wanting to help is such a big thing for me. Most people don’t know what to do with me, mostly because they don’t understand me. Bridie has not pushed me away like other services have”.

“Te Hono has helped me advocate for me with the mental health system, helped me gain extra NCEA credits, Helped me with socializing and helped with my general wellbeing and confidence”

“ You guys are literal lifesavers!”

“Te Hono has helped me with attending appointments for my physical and mental health to get on track, helping me with setting up work and study options and being my voice when i felt like i was not being heard”

“ I could not have made it this far without you guys support!”.

“ The team has been very amazing and supportive”.

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Kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui!
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui!

We are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded the Ministry of Youth Development Contract for the next two years! We are over the moon and grateful for this opportunity to make a positive impact on the community.

At Te Hono O Ngā Waka, we are committed to empowering rangatahi to be the best version of themselves. We believe that every young person deserves the opportunity to reach their full potential and we are excited to work towards this goal. We are passionate about building connections, providing support, and promoting healing for the future of our rangatahi.

We understand that the journey ahead will not be easy, but we are ready to take on the challenge. We are confident that with the support of our community, we can make a real difference in the lives of our rangatahi. We are grateful for your ongoing support and look forward to working with you all.

As we embark on this exciting journey together, we invite you to join us in creating a brighter future for our rangatahi. Watch this space as we work towards building a better tomorrow!

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Starting 2024 with a bang!
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Starting 2024 with a bang!

It’s wonderful to announce that the first of many opportunities for whānau to get a Ta Moko and Moko Kauae in Te Tai O Poutini is starting! Ta Moko and Moko Kauae are traditional Māori tattoos that have been passed down through generations. They are a symbol of identity, culture, and heritage. The practice of Ta Moko and Moko Kauae is deeply rooted in Māori culture and is considered a sacred art form. It is a way of connecting with one’s ancestors and preserving their stories and traditions.

The process of getting a Ta Moko or Moko Kauae is a long and intricate one. It involves a lot of preparation, consultation, and discussion with the artist. The artist will work with the individual to create a design that is unique to them and reflects their identity and heritage. The process of getting a Ta Moko or Moko Kauae is a deeply personal one and is often a rite of passage for many Māori women.

It’s great to see that the opportunity to get a Ta Moko or Moko Kauae is being made available to whānau in Te Tai O Poutini. This will provide an opportunity for people to connect with their culture and heritage and to preserve the traditions of their ancestors. I hope that this is just the beginning of many more opportunities for people to get a Ta Moko or Moko Kauae and to celebrate their identity and heritage. Kia kaha!

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Youth Pathways Team
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Youth Pathways Team

I am excited to introduce the full Youth Pathways team. The team has received great feedback from clients and their whānau, which is a testament to their hard work and dedication.

The Youth Pathways team has done an amazing job over the past year. The staff focuses solely on the development of the Rangatahi they work with and their whānau to ensure the young person is the centre of all they seek to achieve.

The team’s hard work and dedication has paid off, they have received great feedback from clients and their whānau which is a testament to the team’s commitment to providing a foundation where young people can gain skills to improve the quality of their future, ensuring when they leave, they are better off with more skills than when they started. The team’s passion for early intervention and transitional support is evident in the positive outcomes they have achieved for young people. Bring on year 2!!

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Meri Kirihimete
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Meri Kirihimete

It’s always heartwarming to see communities come together to support each other, especially during the holiday season. In this blog post, we would like to express our gratitude to the kind-hearted members of our community who have donated presents to help those in need.

We are humbled by the generosity of our community and would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who has contributed to this cause. Your donations will go a long way in bringing joy and happiness to the local whanau who are having a tough time this time of the year.

A special mention to Terry Stuart who gave a special koha to give out to our whānau also, so very kind Terry.

If you know someone who needs support, please let us know as soon as possible. We are committed to helping those in need and will do our best to provide assistance wherever possible.

Your kindness and generosity is truly appreciated.

“Ehara taku toa i te toa

takitah engari he toa


My strength is not that of an individual but that of the collective.”

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Nga Mihi Maioha
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Nga Mihi Maioha

Yesterday we were humbled to receive this award for our contribution to the wellbeing and development of our whānau.

“Te Hono O Ngā Waka” is a Māori phrase that translates to “The Binding of the Canoes” in English . The phrase is often used to describe the coming together of different groups or communities for a common purpose .

At Te Hono o Ngā Waka, we are leading the way in upskilling whānau to support whānau, addressing the issues of colonisation and trauma and creating spaces and opportunities for people to grow and learn by reconnecting them to their māoritanga. We believe that being Māori is a superpower, and we have our own answers if we are allowed to follow our solutions, based on our rich and diverse heritage, our unique and dynamic worldview, our vibrant and expressive language, our collective and collaborative spirit, and our creative and innovative potential. Being Māori is not a disadvantage or a burden, but an advantage and a blessing. Being Māori is a superpower that we can use to make a positive difference in our own lives, our communities, and our society.

We have a team of dedicated staff and volunteers with lived experience and passion for our future mahi. We offer opportunities to upskill and learn new things so we can all paddle our waka together. We help our whānau navigate and advocate for themselves in the services and systems that are not designed with their needs and values in mind. We ask them about their whakapapa, connect them to their culture and community, acknowledge the impacts of colonisation on their lives, and create a space for them to imagine and pursue their aspirations. By doing so, we support their healing and wellbeing, and honour their mana, whakapapa and whanaungatanga.

Our work is centred around empowering our whānau and community to live healthier, happier lives. We are proud of the impact we have on our whānau and community, and it is what drives us to keep going.

We are grateful for this award, which shows us that we are doing our job, and you can see us and our whānau out there in our community.

No reira tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa.

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Poho Kererū
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Poho Kererū

# Team Te Hono: A Story of Dedication, Commitment, and Resilience

This weekend, I had the privilege of witnessing one of the most inspiring moments of my life. Our team of three amazing wahine, competed in the True West Adventure Race in Hokitika, New Zealand. This was not just any race, but a gruelling test of physical and mental endurance, involving mountain biking, trekking, and rafting across our own stunning landscape.

Team Te Hono was not the most experienced or the most prepared team in the race. They had never done anything like this before. But they had something that no other team had: a bond of friendship, a spirit of adventure, and a determination to get out there and complete it.

They trained hard for months, sacrificing their time and energy to get ready for the challenge. They supported each other, motivated each other, and learned from each other. They faced their fears, pushed their limits, and discovered their strengths.

On the day of the race, they gave it their all. They worked as a team and helped each other out. They enjoyed the scenery and the thrill of the adventure. They did not give up, even when they faced setbacks, they crossed the finish line with smiles on their faces, pride in their hearts and the pride of their whānau and our team/community.

They came third in the race and won so much more. They won the respect and admiration of whānau, and our community and we even have a whole new younger team for 2024! You won the confidence and satisfaction of achieving something extraordinary. They won the knowledge and wisdom of learning something new. They won the joy and gratitude of living a memorable experience.

Team Te Hono, you have inspired us all with your dedication, commitment, and resilience. You have shown us what it means to be a team, to be adventurous, and to be resilient. You have shown us how to live life to the fullest, to challenge ourselves, and to grow as people. You have shown us how to be Te Hono.

Congratulations on your amazing achievement and thank you for letting us be a part of your journey. I can't wait to see what you do next. Bring on 2024!

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Wahine Toa
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Wahine Toa

Last week, six of us wahine were lucky enough to get to spend a day at equine therapy with the Anzac therapy horses from Christchurch.

Equine therapy is a form of animal-assisted therapy that involves interacting with horses to improve mental and emotional well-being. The horses are specially trained to be gentle and responsive to human emotions. They can sense our feelings and offer comfort, support, and feedback.

We spent the day grooming, feeding, walking and riding. The horses were amazing, they were calm, friendly, and playful. They made us feel relaxed, happy, and connected.

We learned a lot from the horses and from each other. We learned to trust, communicate, and cooperate. We learned to be present, mindful, and grateful. We learned to laugh, enjoy, and appreciate. We had such a great time, lots of laughs, connections, and feelings of happiness together.

We are so thankful to the Anzac therapy horses and their handlers for this wonderful experience. We highly recommend it to anyone who needs a break from stress and wants to reconnect with nature and themselves. It was a day we will never forget.

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Ngā mihi J&J
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Ngā mihi J&J

As the year 2023 comes to an end, we would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to Jack and Jerry, our dedicated and talented Mau rākau kaiako. They have been working hard to teach and inspire our rangatahi in the schools around Te Tai o Poutini.

Mau rākau is a traditional Māori martial art that uses wooden weapons such as taiaha, patu, and mere. It is not only a form of self-defense, but also a way of preserving and celebrating Māori culture, values, and identity. Jack and Jerry have been sharing their knowledge and skills with our young people, helping them to develop confidence, discipline, and respect.

We have loved watching their work and seeing the progress and achievements of our rangatahi. They have learned about the history and significance of Mau rākau, and how it connects them to their ancestors, their land, and their people.

We are very proud of Jack and Jerry, and we look forward to continuing our mahi with them in the next year as they continue to spread the spirit and the beauty of Mau rākau to our communities and beyond. Thank you for all your hard mahi, Jack and Jerry. You are amazing!

“I can’t express in words how much Jack’s work has been appreciated. Our DP communicated to me after briefly observing Jack tutoring the other week that he was very impressed with both the depth of Jack’s knowledge and the sincerity, commitment, and passion he showed in the way he was talking to our students. We are keen to have him back next year. Me mihi ka tika hoki ki a Jerry mō tōna kaha ki te kawe mai i tēnei kaupapa ki ngā rangatahi o ngā kura tini o Te Tai o Poutini. Nāna anō i whakahikohiko i ngā mōhiotanga me te māramatanga o wēnei āhuatanga o Te Whare Pū Rākau mō te hunga taiohi e pōkea nei e ngā whiu o tēnei ao. Nei rā te mihi maioha ki a koutou mā o Te Hononga o Ngā Waka, e hāpai ana i te tokorua nei e whakapau kaha ana ki te mahi i ēnei mahi whakahirahira (feedback from one of the kura).”

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Davida Simpson Davida Simpson


Last weekend, our whānau had a great time joining in at Waka ama at Roto Kaniere. It was fun and a challenging way to connect with the water, the land, and the culture.

We arrived at Roto Kaniere, also known as Lake Kaniere, on Saturday morning. The lake is located in the West Coast region of New Zealand, surrounded by native forest and mountains. It is a beautiful and peaceful place to enjoy nature and relax.

We practiced a few times on the shore before we got into the water. We learned how to synchronize our paddling, somehow to steer the waka, and how to communicate with each other. We also learned some Māori words and chants that helped us to keep the rhythm and spirit.

We spent the other time enjoying the lake and the company. We swam, played games and shared stories, songs, food and laughter with other whānau. We felt a strong sense of connection and belonging. We had a great time to be had by all!

We look forward to the next event together. We hope to meet more whānau and learn more about Waka ama and Māori culture. Waka ama is more than a sport, it is a way of life.

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Building Awesome Whānau
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Building Awesome Whānau

We really enjoyed our training Building Awesome Whānau. This is a course that aims to help parents and caregivers raise their children in a way that is respectful, loving, and empowering. The course is based on the principles of mātauranga Māori, the indigenous knowledge and wisdom of the Māori people, as well as the best practices from the Toolbox Parenting Programme, a research-based programme that has been running in New Zealand for over 20 years. The course covers topics such as communication, aroha, whānau atmosphere, boundaries, and living in the big wide world. The course is designed for whānau with children aged 2-13, and can be delivered in different formats, such as weekly sessions or a weekend wānanga. The course is facilitated by trained and experienced facilitators who can tailor the content to the needs and interests of each group. The course also features videos from Pio Terei and other guests who share their stories and insights on parenting. The course is a great opportunity to learn new skills, connect with other parents, and build a brighter future for your whānau.

We can’t wait to bring it to you :-)

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Te Reo Māori
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Te Reo Māori

Whānau and staff have been really enjoying the opportunity to work with Miriama Mason trying really hard to get our language back! “He waka eke noa.”

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Do your vote!
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Do your vote!

Today we did our vote, 2 of us were brand new to voting! It is so important to vote and easy as! Voting is a way of expressing our voice and influencing the policies and decisions that affect our lives. However, some groups of people face various barriers and challenges that prevent them from exercising their voting rights. These include the poor, the homeless, the disabled, the minorities, the immigrants, the refugees, and others who are marginalized and oppressed by the dominant power structures. We should vote for the disadvantaged part of our community because they deserve to have a fair and equal representation in the government. They have valuable perspectives and experiences that can enrich our democracy. They are part of us and share the same planet and destiny with us. They are not a burden or a threat to us, but an asset and an opportunity for us. By voting for the disadvantaged part of our community, we are not only helping them, but also helping ourselves. We are creating a more inclusive and equitable society that can foster social cohesion and harmony. We are enhancing our democratic quality and legitimacy that can strengthen our civic engagement and participation. We are advancing our common good and well-being that can improve our quality of life. We should vote for the disadvantaged part of our community because they matter.

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Te Reo o te wiki
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Te Reo o te wiki

We had a great time celebrating te reo o te wiki with the community.

Bringing back te reo Māori in Aotearoa is not only a matter of justice and recognition for the indigenous people of this land, but also a benefit and opportunity for all New Zealanders. Te reo Māori is a beautiful and powerful language that can enrich our lives and society in many ways. Let us embrace it with respect and enthusiasm. Kia kaha te reo Māori!

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Ngā waka rereke, ki te āwhā Kotahi.

Etahi he waka ama, etahi he waka taua, etahi kei te toromi.

Kia haumaru awhinatia ngā waka ka taea e koe te awhina.

We are in the same storm.

Some have yachts, some have canoes, and some are drowning.

Just be kind and help whoever you can.