Te Hono o Nga Waka tamariki

Te Hono O Ngā Waka is a kaupapa Māori organisation supporting whānau and meeting need in Te Tai o Poutini

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Te Reo with Miri
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Te Reo with Miri

The Te Hono team meet regularly to learn te reo with kaiako, Miriama Mason. Today we learnt about the real place names of Aotearoa.

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Ka Rawe Robert!
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Ka Rawe Robert!

Our Youth Pathways Service Lead, Jenny Keogan, is thrilled with the progress of one of our young rangatahi, Robert Hotter. With support from the Pathways team, Robert has made tremendous progress, passing his Learners Licence recently after four previous attempts and gaining full time employment. Robert is working full time with well known and reputable local business ‘Henry Adams Contracting’, where he has the opportunity to work on dump trucks and diggers within the goldmining industry. We have great confidence he will show a willingness to take any opportunities this new role may bring. Great work Robert👍

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Welcome to Jaxx Hamilton
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Welcome to Jaxx Hamilton

The Te Hono School Holiday programme tamariki were thrilled to have celebrity chef, Jaxx Hamilton, prepare some delicious kai for us. A big welcome to the Coast, Jaxx and ngā mihi for ka rawe kai

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Ski trip adventures
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Ski trip adventures

Last week, we took 30 tamariki and rangatahi skiing at Porter’s Pass skifield. For many this was their first time ever on the snow so it was a great opportunity for a new experience and to learn new skills. Unfortunately, the ski field was closed on the second day but we made the most of it by heading to Ōtautahi for Mega Air trampolining! On the way home we stopped at Castle Hill and the new ataahua carvings by Fayne Robinson, learning the Pūrakau of this area, Kura Tawhiti.

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Travelling with Aio Wānanga
Kate Campbell Kate Campbell

Travelling with Aio Wānanga

Maria Mareroa and Andria captivated kaimahi and whānau at Arahura Marae with their korero on the Divine Spark of the Cosmic Vibration: Healing Trauma wānanga on Friday and Saturday. This was a unique opportunity to re-connect to the Aio force within us and our whakapapa. mana and aroha.

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Testing out the new gazebo
Kate Campbell Kate Campbell

Testing out the new gazebo

Whānau tried out one of Te Hono o Ngā Waka’s new gazebos over the weekend and doesn’t it look great! It’s a girl!

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Careers Expo
Kate Campbell Kate Campbell

Careers Expo

The Te Hono team were thrilled to talk to youth at the West Coast Careers Expo, and it was even more exciting seeing our lovely Dani on a poster promoting Creative Industries!

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Te  Hono Team Building
Kate Campbell Kate Campbell

Te Hono Team Building

On Friday the Te Hono team got together for some whakawhanaungatanga and team building at Lazar Park Hokitika. A highlight of the day was identifying our individual strengths that enable us to achieve great outcomes as a team and creating our waka images to capture this…. and the food of course!

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After school fun for tamariki
Kate Campbell Kate Campbell

After school fun for tamariki

Tamariki enjoyed the after school programme at Whare Manaaki on Thursday afternoon We started the new kaupapa for the new term: Marama (the moon). We used torches to explore shadows, and then made Papatūānuku, Marama and Tamanui-te-Rā from modelling clay. We used these models to explore orbits and the length of days, months and years, as well as how the moon appears different shapes on different nights. We also learned a waiata about the moon. 

- Kaiako Naomi Smith

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Tukuna Kia Rere School Holiday programme a hit
Kate Campbell Kate Campbell

Tukuna Kia Rere School Holiday programme a hit

The July school holiday programme was a hit with tamariki who participated in a range of activities including a movie, the swimming pool and an extra special visit to the Shantytown Education Centre.

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We have our own wheels…
Kate Campbell Kate Campbell

We have our own wheels…

Davida travelled to Nelson to pick up our very own new car so we can continue to support whānau across our wide range of services. We are grateful to WestREAP for the on-going use of their vehicles that has enabled us to do our mahi.

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Distributing Firewood
Kate Campbell Kate Campbell

Distributing Firewood

As winter well and truly sets in on the West Coast the Te Hono o Ngā Waka crew were out delivering firewood to whānau in need.

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After school programme
Kate Campbell Kate Campbell

After school programme

Tamariki engaged in a range of activities for Matariki at the after school programme with kaiako Naomi Smith. Each activity was linked to the stars for example, the Rain Train for Waitī, capturing chocolate fish with a spear for Waitā.

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Staff Matariki celebrations
Kate Campbell Kate Campbell

Staff Matariki celebrations

Te Hono o Ngā Waka and WestREAP staff celebrated Matariki in style at Buccleugh’s Restaurant with lovely gift boxes from Poipoia Ōtautahi.

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LifeKeepers Mana Akiaki
Kate Campbell Kate Campbell

LifeKeepers Mana Akiaki

The LifeKeepers Mana Akiaki seminar on 22 June provided some excellent tools and strategies for whānau to manage conversations about suicide with confidence.

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Pio Terei inspires whānau at Arahura
Kate Campbell Kate Campbell

Pio Terei inspires whānau at Arahura

Whānau were excited to korero with NZ’s famous actor, singer and comedian, Pio Terei, about his experiences raising tamariki and building awesome whānau.

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Food Bank donations rolling in
Kate Campbell Kate Campbell

Food Bank donations rolling in

Our Mokopuna Ora Kaimahi, Dani Tainui-Simon, collects food donated by New World customers for the Food Bank. Thank you to our wonderful community for pitching in!

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Team building at Arahura Marae
Kate Campbell Kate Campbell

Team building at Arahura Marae

The Wānanga for health and social service kaimahi at Arahura Marae was a relaxing day of learning and korero about the history of Ngāti Waewae, intergenerational trauma, decolonisation, te reo and tikanga.

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Ngā waka rereke, ki te āwhā Kotahi.

Etahi he waka ama, etahi he waka taua, etahi kei te toromi.

Kia haumaru awhinatia ngā waka ka taea e koe te awhina.

We are in the same storm.

Some have yachts, some have canoes, and some are drowning.

Just be kind and help whoever you can.