Te Hono o Nga Waka tamariki

Te Hono O Ngā Waka is a kaupapa Māori organisation supporting whānau and meeting need in Te Tai o Poutini

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Celebrating Our Champion: Nikita!
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Celebrating Our Champion: Nikita!

Nikita’s Triumph in Muay Thai!

We are absolutely thrilled to celebrate Nikita’s incredible achievement—her first Muay Thai fight in Christchurch, where she claimed victory with a round 2 knockout! Nikita’s journey has been one of sheer determination, grit, and unwavering dedication, and her performance in the ring is a testament to what it means to commit fully to your goals.

But this victory goes beyond just one fight. Nikita’s story is a powerful example of the strength and resilience of Māori wahine. Her journey has been as much about healing—both her own and the healing of generations before her—as it has been about training. By reclaiming her mana, Nikita shows us that when we confront our challenges and embrace our own power, we can achieve anything we set our minds to.

Nikita’s success is a beacon of inspiration, not only for us but also for our rangatahi. She proves that whatever you dream of—whether in the ring or in life—you have the power to make it happen. Her courage, strength, and dedication show our young people that no dream is too big and no goal is out of reach.

We also want to give a huge shoutout to her whānau, who have been by her side every step of the way, supporting her through the highs and lows of her journey. Their love and encouragement were as essential as any training session, and together they’ve proven that success is a team effort.

Nikita’s knockout victory is a powerful reminder of the mantra: "Do the mahi, get the treats!"—the rewards of hard work and commitment are real, and her story is a shining example of that.

Tino pai, Nikita! You’ve inspired us all; you’ve shown us that the true power of Māori wahine is unstoppable.

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A Tribute to a Remarkable Wahine
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

A Tribute to a Remarkable Wahine

In tribute to the remarkable Davina, whose life touched so many, we celebrate her brilliance, love, and enduring spirit. From the first time I met her, she radiated kindness, joy, and intelligence, and it was clear that her children were the centre of her universe. Every gesture, from the thoughtful birthday parties she organised to the love she showered on her tamariki, reflected her unwavering dedication as a mother.

Davina's generosity extended far beyond her own whānau. Even when she was unwell, she never failed to check in on others, offering her wisdom and support freely. Her humour, warmth, and selflessness brought joy to everyone who had the privilege of knowing her.

Her resilience and determination defined her as a true wahine toa, a warrior woman whose spirit continues to guide us. While she may no longer be with us physically, Davina's presence remains strong in our hearts and lives, reminding us of the love, laughter, and light she so generously shared with the world.

Our team truly came together during this time, working tirelessly to give Davina the send-off she deserved. It was an immense event, as Davina had touched countless lives in our community in such a short time. There are so many people to thank for their love, support, and help through this process. We finally had the chance to do something for Davina, giving back to her in a way she had always given to us. She will forever be in our hearts.

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Tahuri Waka
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Tahuri Waka

This week has been an exciting and action-packed time for our rangatahi as we took them to the Hokitika pool to practice flipping the waka. The energy was high as many of our youth came together, eager to sharpen their skills and gain confidence on the water.

The pool session focused on capsize drills, which are essential for safety and teamwork when out on the awa or moana. Learning how to handle a waka capsize requires quick thinking, communication, and trust among the crew members. For many of our young paddlers, it was their first time experiencing this type of challenge, and they rose to the occasion with enthusiasm and determination.

One of the highlights of the session was seeing how naturally our rangatahi took to supporting one another. As the waka flipped and the crew members went into the water, the first instinct of everyone was to check on their teammates and work together to right the waka. The teamwork displayed was heartwarming, showcasing the sense of whanaungatanga that continues to grow within our group.

The pool environment provided a safe space for them to test their limits, build resilience, and develop a deeper connection to the waka. Flipping a waka isn’t just a physical skill—it’s also about maintaining calm under pressure and fostering a strong collective mindset. It was great to see rangatahi encouraging one another, giving tips, and laughing through the challenging moments.

After a few rounds of practice, our rangatahi began to improve significantly, flipping and righting the waka more smoothly each time. The confidence that grew over the session was evident, and it’s clear that they’re becoming more comfortable in their roles as paddlers and leaders.

These practical, hands-on experiences are what build the skills needed not just for waka ama but for life. As we prepare for future races and adventures, it’s important to know that our rangatahi are well-equipped with both the technical abilities and the right attitude. Watching them grow and develop as a team is incredibly rewarding.

We’re looking forward to more training sessions and seeing how our rangatahi continue to thrive on this journey. The support from our community, kaimahi, and whānau has been amazing, and it’s clear that this kaupapa is building more than just paddling skills—it’s creating lifelong connections and strengthening the future of our people.

Ka mau te wehi, e te whānau! We’ll see you at the next practice as we keep pushing forward together.

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Nau Mai Tina!
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Nau Mai Tina!

We are excited to introduce and welcome our new rangatahi kaimahi, Tina Tainui, to our Te Hono O Ngā Waka team! Tina has already proven herself to be a dedicated and valuable member of our team, having worked with us over the past few months. Her commitment to our kaupapa shines through in everything she does.

Tina is currently studying early childhood education while also engaging in a wide range of professional development opportunities. Her drive to continuously learn and grow aligns perfectly with our values, and we're proud to support her journey. As part of her role, Tina will focus on immunization and is soon set to lead our oral health care program for tamariki.

We're confident that with Tina’s passion our programs will continue to make a lasting impact in our community. Welcome aboard, Tina—we’re so proud of you!

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Empowering our young wahine through trek.
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Empowering our young wahine through trek.

Last week, I had the privilege of taking seven incredible young wahine on a horse trek, an experience that turned out to be far more transformative than any of us anticipated. This adventure was not just about riding horses through scenic trails; it was about building confidence, fostering connections, and showcasing bravery.

For many of these girls, it was their first time riding a horse. The initial apprehension was palpable, but as the trek progressed, I witnessed a remarkable transformation. Each girl, despite their fears and uncertainties, took control of their horse and embraced the experience. By the end of the trek, their confidence had soared. They went from hesitantly mounting their horses to riding with a newfound sense of assurance and pride. This boost in self-confidence is something they will carry with them, impacting other areas of their lives.

The bond between the girls strengthened as they navigated the trek together. Riding in a group required them to communicate, support, and encourage one another. Laughter and cheers echoed through the trails as they shared this unique experience. They learned the value of teamwork and the importance of looking out for one another, creating a sense of camaraderie that was beautiful to witness. This connection extended beyond the trek, with the girls forming deeper friendships and a stronger sense of community.

Bravery was on full display throughout the trek. Whether it was overcoming the initial fear of getting on a horse, navigating challenging terrains, or handling unexpected situations with poise, each girl demonstrated immense courage. They faced their fears head-on and pushed their boundaries, revealing a resilience that was truly inspiring. Watching them conquer their fears and step out of their comfort zones was a powerful reminder of the strength and potential within each of them.

This horse trek was more than just a day of riding; it was a journey of self-discovery and empowerment for these young women. The confidence they gained, the connections they formed, and the bravery they displayed are all building blocks for a brighter future. I am immensely proud of each of them.

Experiences like these underscores the importance of providing opportunities for our youth to challenge themselves and discover their strengths. It is through such adventures that they learn to believe in themselves, support one another, and face the world with courage. This horse trek was just the beginning, and I look forward to seeing how these amazing young women continue to grow and thrive.

Let's continue to create and support initiatives that empower our youth, instill self-belief, and foster strong, supportive communities. The impact is profound, and the future is bright.

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Strengthening Health & Community
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Strengthening Health & Community

The sun was shining, and the community was buzzing with excitement as whānau gathered at the local pool for a day of fun and health promotion. Children splashed in the water, laughter echoed, and the smell of pizza filled the air. This whānau day was not just about enjoying the summer; it was also an opportunity to engage with our community and get their voice about immunisations.

1. What are your current thoughts and feelings about immunisations? we asked. Many shared that they believe in the importance of vaccinations but had some concerns about safety and side effects. Others mentioned hearing mixed messages from various sources, which made them hesitant.

2. We also asked, have you or your tamariki been vaccinated recently? If yes, what motivated you to get vaccinated?” A proud mother of three responded, “Yes, we all got our flu shots last month. I want to keep my kids safe, especially during the school year.”

3. Some whānau shared their challenges. “What barriers do you face when it comes to getting immunised?” One father mentioned the difficulty in accessing clinics due to his work schedule, while another caregiver spoke about the lack of culturally relevant information.

4. Our conversations were enlightening and highlighted the need for more accessible and tailored health information. “What kind of information would you like to have about immunisations that you currently don't have?” Many parents requested easy-to-understand pamphlets and reliable online resources.

As the day transitioned into evening, we packed up and headed to Hokitika for the highly anticipated Rugby Finals. The energy was electric, with fans cheering passionately for their teams. Amidst the excitement, our health booth stood ready to serve the community.

We offered free blood pressure checks and flu vaccinations, making it convenient for whānau to take care of their health while enjoying the game. Our team included friendly nurses and volunteers who engaged with the crowd, answering questions and providing information about immunisations.

The feedback from our whānau day at the pool and the rugby finals was invaluable. We learned that while many support immunisations, there is a need for more accessible information, better accessibility to vaccination services, and ongoing community engagement.

Moving forward, we will continue to listen to our whānau, addressing their concerns and providing the support they need to make informed health decisions. Together, we can build a healthier future for our community, one conversation at a time.

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The Voice of Rangatahi-Mana Mokopuna
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

The Voice of Rangatahi-Mana Mokopuna

Te Tai O Poutini was abuzz with excitement as Mana Mokopuna visited for the first time to collect the voices of our Rangatahi. The Rangatahi were eager to share their stories and experiences.

Various stations were set up to encourage open conversations. The Rangatahi shared their dreams, concerns, and personal journeys, feeling valued and heard.

The visit had a transformative effect on the Rangatahi, empowering them and giving them a sense of pride. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and the day was both fun and fulfilling.

Future collaborations with Mana Mokopuna are already being planned. This visit reinforced the importance of listening to our youth and highlighted their vital role in our community’s wellbeing.

The visit from Mana Mokopuna was a celebration of our Rangatahi and their potential. We are grateful for the opportunity to share our voices and look forward to the positive changes ahead. Thank you, Mana Mokopuna, for making a difference in our community.

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Our Winter Packs
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Our Winter Packs

This winter, we have had the privilege of putting together winter packs for our whānau through our Healthy Homes Mahi. It's heartwarming to see the community come together, supporting one another to ensure everyone stays warm and well during these colder months.

Our winter packs are more than just items; they represent our collective effort to care for each other. With temperatures dropping and the weather becoming harsher, it's crucial that our whānau have access to the essentials that keep them comfortable and healthy. Each pack includes warm clothing, blankets, and other necessities that provide much-needed relief from the cold.

Winter brings with it a unique set of challenges, particularly when it comes to health. The combination of flu and COVID-19 can be especially daunting. That’s why we’re also advocating for everyone to get their flu shots and COVID boosters. These vaccinations are vital in helping protect our community from the severe impacts of these illnesses.

Our Healthy Homes Mahi (thank you Mikayla Tumahai) is a testament to what we can achieve when we work together. It's about more than just distributing packs; it's about fostering a sense of belonging and mutual support. We're not just keeping warm; we're building resilience and showing that, no matter the season, we have each other's backs.

To all our whānau: Keep warm, keep well, and make sure to get your flu shot and COVID booster. These bugs are crazy together, but together, we are stronger. Let's continue to support one another and make this winter a season of warmth and wellness.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay connected.

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Needle Exchange Programme
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Needle Exchange Programme

We are excited to announce that Te Hono O Ngā Waka will now be part of the NZ Needle Exchange Programme, extending our efforts to support the Westland Community with safe practices. Our aim is to decrease stigma and discrimination, increase safety for users and their whānau, and provide much-needed education and support when whānau are ready.

By making it safe for people to talk about their situation, we hope to foster an environment where understanding and compassion replace judgment and blame. It's time to move away from the outdated "it's their fault and choice" mentality. Instead, we should reflect on the real reasons and issues that lead our whānau to make these choices in their lives. Let's look back to understand and look forward to support.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the Needle Exchange Programme for allowing us to be part of the solution in our area. Your amazing mahi over the years has made a significant impact, and we are grateful for the great service you provide in Ōtautahi. We hope that other services and providers will be inspired to follow your lead in promoting safe practices and reducing harm in our communities.

Together, we can create a safer, more supportive environment for everyone.

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Feed The Tamariki
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Feed The Tamariki

We are thrilled to share the heartwarming success of our winter kai drive, "Feed the Tamariki." This year, the community's outpouring of generosity and support has been nothing short of extraordinary. Together, we have made a significant impact in ensuring that our tamariki and their whānau are well-fed and cared for during these chilly months.

From the moment we announced the drive, the response was overwhelming. Volunteers from all walks of life stepped forward with open hearts and hands, eager to contribute in any way they could. The sheer number of people who came out to support our cause was a testament to the strength and unity of our community.

The variety and abundance of kai donated this year were truly inspiring. We received everything from homegrown vegetables to homemade delicacies. One of the standout donations was a delightful batch of homemade relish that added a special touch of love and warmth. Carrots straight from the garden brought fresh, healthy options for our families, while the koha of funds ensured we could purchase additional essentials to fill in the gaps.

Every single contribution, whether it was a jar of relish, a bundle of carrots, or a financial donation, played a crucial role in filling our food bank to the brim.

This event could not have been the success it was without the dedication and hard work of everyone involved. From those who organised the drive, to the volunteers who sorted and packed the donations, to each person who contributed kai or funds—your efforts have made a significant difference. It’s a powerful reminder that when we come together with a common goal, we can achieve remarkable things.

Thanks to the incredible turnout and generosity, our food bank is now well-stocked and ready to support whānau in need throughout the winter. The shelves are brimming with nutritious options, ensuring that no child or family goes hungry. This achievement is not just a testament to our collective effort but a beacon of hope and solidarity in challenging times.

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Poutini Waka Hoa (Hoe)
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Poutini Waka Hoa (Hoe)

A Moment of Pride: Poutini Waka Ama's First Ever Race (in Dunedin).

Wow, what an experience! Words can hardly capture the pride and joy we feel. We made it! Poutini Waka Ama traveled to Dunedin with two groups of rangatahi and a group of mixed adults to compete in their first-ever waka ama race. It was an amazing event, marking a significant milestone for our team.

Hayley Smith: You can move mountains with one hand! Your dedication and hard work were pivotal in making this journey a success. From the planning stages to the execution, your commitment never wavered.

Wesley: You are our rock. Your support for our team and our youth is invaluable. We rely on you so much, and you never let us down. Watching the positive changes you bring to your sons and our community is a beautiful experience. We are immensely proud of you.

To our rangatahi who dedicated their time and effort, we cannot thank you enough. You showed your vulnerabilities and faced the challenge with courage. On the day of the race, you paddled your hearts out, giving it everything you had. Your performance was nothing short of spectacular.

A huge thank you to our supporters: Poutini Waiora, WestREAP, Te Rito, and the whānau. Your contributions and encouragement were instrumental in our journey. We are grateful for your support.

Our hard work paid off, and we are thrilled to announce that we secured a 1st, another 1st, and a 4th place! This taste of success has given us the bug, and Poutini Waka Ama is just beginning its journey to greatness. There will be more races, more victories, and more moments of pride.

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Culture Festival
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Culture Festival

A Joyful Day with it was at the Culture Festival with a lot of fun, laughter, and cultural appreciation. The festival was a vibrant showcase of some of the community’s heritage, filled with activities that delighted people of all ages.

One of the highlights of the day was undoubtedly the delicious traditional food. We served up a hearty boil-up and fry bread, which were an absolute hit. The aroma of the simmering pots drew everyone in, and it was no surprise that we went through three large pots!

In addition to the fantastic food, the festival was packed with engaging activities that allowed everyone to connect with our culture in meaningful ways. One of the most popular activities was harakeke weaving.

A huge thank you to the Lions Club for their incredible effort in organizing and bringing this festival to life. The Culture Festival was a testament to the strength and vibrancy of our community. The laughter, the delicious food, the creative activities, and the sense of togetherness made the afternoon truly special.

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A Week of Vax & Heart Checks
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

A Week of Vax & Heart Checks

Celebrating Community Health Initiatives with the Waitaha Health Bus.

This past week has been a remarkable journey of community health and wellness, marked by two significant events aimed at increasing vaccination uptake and providing essential heart checks. Partnering with the Waitaha Health Bus, we held successful gatherings at Lazer Park and the Kiwi Rugby Club, both of which drew an enthusiastic response from whānau and highlighted the importance of accessible healthcare.

Our first event took place at Lazer Park, where approximately 50 whānau joined us for a day of kai and kōrero. The atmosphere was filled with warmth and camaraderie as families gathered to share. The Waitaha Health Bus, a mobile clinic dedicated to bringing healthcare services directly to communities, was on-site to provide the heart checks and Westland Medical Centre with flu vaccinations.

20 whānau received their flu shots, taking a proactive step towards protecting themselves and their loved ones from seasonal influenza.

Another 20 whānau took advantage of the heart checks, gaining valuable insights into their cardiovascular health and receiving advice on maintaining a heart-healthy lifestyle.

The success of this event was made possible through the collective efforts of our dedicated team and the enthusiastic participation of our community. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Amy and Jackie from the PHO, and Jo from the Waitaha Health Bus, whose commitment and expertise ensured the smooth running of the day.

Kiwi Rugby Club Day

Building on the momentum from Lazer Park, our second event was held at the Kiwi Rugby Club. The synergy of community spirit and sports provided the perfect backdrop for another day of health-focused activities. The Kiwi rugby boys played a pivotal role in attracting attendees and fostering an environment of support and encouragement.

We were thrilled to administer 35 flu vaccinations, significantly boosting our community’s defense against the flu.

The event mirrored the success of Lazer Park with another round of heart checks, ensuring more whānau received the essential screenings and guidance they need.

We are immensely grateful to the Kiwi Rugby Club for hosting us and to the Westland Medical Centre for their unwavering support, whose presence and professionalism were instrumental in the event’s success.

A Heartfelt Thanks. These events are a testament to what can be achieved when a community comes together with a shared goal of health and well-being. We are proud of the positive impact these initiatives have had and remain committed to continuing our efforts in making healthcare accessible to all.

Our sincere gratitude goes out to everyone involved—our whānau who participated, our partners who provided the medical services, and the dedicated teams who coordinated the events. Together, we are building a healthier, stronger community.

Stay tuned for more community health events, and remember: your health is your wealth. Let’s continue to support each other in our journey towards better health and well-being.

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Empowering Rangatahi
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Empowering Rangatahi

A Journey with the Ministry of Youth Development.

As the winds of change blow through our community, we find ourselves embracing the opportunity to empower our rangatahi (youth) ages 12-24 through the Ministry of Youth Development. It’s been a journey filled with excitement, adventure, and most importantly, growth.

We couldn’t be more thrilled to announce our success with the Ministry of Youth Development application, which has allowed us to embark on a transformative journey with our rangatahi. Spearheaded by Hayley Smith, alongside the invaluable support of Stephen Brassett, our program has flourished, igniting a spark within over 30 young individuals during an incredible term 1.

Reflecting on our journey thus far, it’s been nothing short of extraordinary. From the outset, our mission was clear: to provide enriching experiences that not only foster personal development but also cultivate a deep sense of connection to our land, culture, and community.

Our adventures have been as diverse as they have been enriching. From traversing the ancient pathways of Pounamu to scaling the heights of Awa, our rangatahi have embraced every challenge with courage and enthusiasm. But it’s not just about conquering physical feats; it’s about instilling a sense of resilience, determination, and self-belief that will serve them well beyond these adventures.

Waka ama has seen our youth navigate the waters with grace and unity, fostering teamwork and camaraderie. Bushcraft adventures have taught essential survival skills while deepening their connection to nature. Each experience has been carefully crafted to provide not just fun outings, but meaningful opportunities for growth and learning.

What’s truly heartening is witnessing the transformation within our rangatahi. With each adventure, we see them blossom—growing in confidence, resilience, and a sense of belonging. They’re not just participants; they’re active agents of change, shaping their own futures and the world around them.

And let’s not forget the invaluable contribution of our dedicated team. Hayley’s passion and dedication have been the driving force behind our program’s success, while Stephen’s commitment, even on his two days a week, has been instrumental in shaping memorable experiences for our rangatahi.

As we look ahead, our journey with the Ministry of Youth Development is far from over. We’re excited about the possibilities that lie ahead—new adventures to embark on, new skills to master, and new connections to forge. But one thing remains constant: our unwavering commitment to empowering our rangatahi, ensuring they have the tools and support they need to thrive.

Together, we’re building a brighter future—one adventure at a time. And as we continue on this journey, we invite you to join us in championing the potential of our rangatahi, empowering them to reach new heights and embrace the limitless possibilities that lie ahead.

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Kaimahi Hauora
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Kaimahi Hauora

Looking forward to this opportunity for our team and whānau.

Taking care of oneself isn't just a luxury; it's a fundamental necessity, especially in our professional setting. In today's fast-paced world, where demands are high and expectations are ever-increasing, the importance of staff looking after themselves cannot be overstated.

Staff members are the backbone of our organisation, driving its success and growth. However, their well-being often takes a back seat as they prioritise meeting deadlines, achieving targets, and catering to the needs of others. Yet, neglecting self-care can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and even long-term health issues.

When our staff prioritise their well-being, they are better equipped to handle challenges, manage stress, and maintain a positive attitude. They become more resilient, adaptable, and creative, fostering a healthier work environment and enhancing overall team dynamics.

Moreover, self-care isn't just about physical health; it encompasses our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being as well. Encouraging staff to take breaks, practice mindfulness, engage in hobbies, and seek support when needed can significantly improve their overall quality of life and job satisfaction.

Ultimately, our organisation thrives when its staff members are thriving. By recognising the importance of our staff looking after themselves and promoting a culture that prioritises well-being, we can cultivate a workforce that is not only productive but also fulfilled and resilient.

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Winter Kai Drive
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Winter Kai Drive

Join Us for the Hokitika Winter Food Drive: Feeding Our Community Together

As the chill of winter settles in, so do the challenges faced by many families in our community. The increase in food costs coupled with limited funding for essential services has made it even more difficult for families to put food on the table. In response to this pressing need, we are happy to announce that we are going to do another kai drive. Hokitika Winter Food Drive.

Similar to our successful Christmas food drive, this initiative aims to rally the community together to support those in need during the colder months. We understand that every contribution, no matter how big or small, can make a significant difference in someone's life.

Here's how you can participate:

Simply leave your donations of perishable items at your letterbox, and our volunteers will take care of the rest. Whether it's one tin, ten tins, or a bag of food, every donation is deeply appreciated.

Spread the Word: Help us spread awareness about the food drive within our community. Share our message on social media, tell your friends and family, and encourage others to join in this collective effort to support our neighbors in need.

Together, let's show the strength of our community by coming together to support one another during these challenging times. By participating in the Hokitika Winter Food Drive, you're not just providing meals; you're offering hope and solidarity to those who need it most.

If you would like to drop off food anytime then you can do so to 47 Revell St Hokitika.

Let's make this winter a little warmer for everyone. Join us in feeding our community and spreading kindness one donation at a time.

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 BAW - Term 2
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

BAW - Term 2

Building Awesome Whānau: A Partnership with Kati Waewae Runanga and Whare Manaaki

Are you ready to strengthen the bonds within your whānau and build a foundation of aroha? We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Kati Waewae Runanga and Whare Manaaki to bring you the empowering Building Awesome Whānau Workshop!

Mark your calendars for May 11th and 12th, where we'll embark on two full days of transformative experiences at Arahura Marae. But that's not all—our journey continues weekly for six weeks starting on May 16th, where we'll be at Whare Manaaki in Māwhera, delving into the essence of whānau building.

What makes these workshops even more special? They're free! We believe that every whānau deserves the opportunity to thrive, which is why we've made these workshops accessible to all. And don't worry about childcare—we've got you covered. Feel free to bring your tamariki along, and we'll ensure they're taken care of while you participate in the sessions.

The heart of the Building Awesome Whānau workshops lies in our kaupapa—building love within our whānau. Together, we'll explore strategies, share stories, and engage in activities aimed at nurturing stronger connections, fostering understanding, and promoting love and harmony within our families.

Whether you're a parent, grandparent, caregiver, or simply someone who values the power of whānau, these workshops are for you. Join us as we embark on this incredible journey of growth, healing, learning, and love.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to enrich your whānau life. Come along, bring your whānau, and let's build something truly awesome together!

We can't wait to see you there!

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Protecting Your Health: The Importance of Free Flu Shots
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Protecting Your Health: The Importance of Free Flu Shots

As the seasons change and temperatures drop, we find ourselves in the midst of flu season once again. The influenza virus can wreak havoc on our health, leading to missed work or school days, hospitalizations, and even fatalities. However, there is a simple and effective way to protect ourselves and our communities: getting a flu shot.

Fortunately, many healthcare providers and organizations offer free flu shots, making it easier than ever to safeguard against this contagious illness. In this blog post, we'll explore why getting a flu shot is crucial, debunk some common misconceptions, and highlight the benefits of accessing free flu shots.

Why Get a Flu Shot?

Protect Yourself: The flu vaccine stimulates your immune system to produce antibodies that can fight off the influenza virus. By getting vaccinated, you significantly reduce your risk of getting sick with the flu.

Protect Others: Getting vaccinated not only safeguards your health but also helps protect those around you. This is particularly important for vulnerable populations, such as young children, the elderly, pregnant women, and individuals with weakened immune systems, who are at higher risk of complications from the flu.

Prevent Spread: Flu shots help prevent the spread of the virus within communities, reducing the overall burden on healthcare systems and preventing outbreaks in schools, workplaces, and other public spaces.

Dispelling Myths

Despite the overwhelming evidence supporting the effectiveness and safety of flu vaccines, there are still myths and misconceptions that deter people from getting vaccinated. Let's address some of these:

"The Flu Shot Can Give Me the Flu": This is a common misconception. The flu vaccine does not contain live viruses, so it cannot cause the flu. Some people may experience mild side effects like soreness at the injection site or low-grade fever, but these are temporary and far less severe than the flu itself.

"I Don't Need a Flu Shot Every Year": While immunity from flu vaccination can last several months to a year, the influenza virus strains change over time. Annual vaccination is necessary to ensure that you are protected against the most current strains circulating each flu season.

"I'm Healthy, so I Don't Need a Flu Shot": Even if you consider yourself healthy, getting vaccinated helps protect you and those around you. Plus, you never know when you might come into contact with someone who is more vulnerable to the flu.

The Benefits of Free Flu Shots

Access to free flu shots eliminates financial barriers and ensures that everyone, regardless of income or insurance status, can take proactive steps to safeguard their health. Here are some key benefits:

Equitable Access: Free flu shot clinics and programs promote equity in healthcare by ensuring that underserved communities have the same opportunity to protect themselves against the flu as those with greater resources.

Public Health Impact: By increasing vaccination rates across the population, free flu shot initiatives contribute to better overall public health outcomes, reducing the spread of illness and preventing severe complications.


As flu season approaches, don't underestimate the importance of getting vaccinated. Free flu shots offer a convenient and cost-effective way to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community from the flu. Remember, prevention is key, and taking proactive steps now can help keep you healthy throughout the flu season and beyond. Schedule your free flu shot today and stay one step ahead of the flu!

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Let’s talk about the important stuff, suicide awareness!
Davida Simpson Davida Simpson

Let’s talk about the important stuff, suicide awareness!

The team at Te Hono O Ngā Waka have done up an amazing safety plan for those who may be struggling with mental health.

Whether you are, your whānau member or a friend this plan is the perfect resource to ensure your safety during this difficult time!

Our Te Hono team have up-skilled in many trainings to expand our knowledge and ability from previous personal lived experience & numerous trainings to ensure we are able to provide the best quality of help for rangatahi and whānau.

Feel free to pop into our office on 47 Revell street to meet the team and have a kōrero about all of the resources we have available for yourself, whānau or friends who will benefit from it!

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Ngā waka rereke, ki te āwhā Kotahi.

Etahi he waka ama, etahi he waka taua, etahi kei te toromi.

Kia haumaru awhinatia ngā waka ka taea e koe te awhina.

We are in the same storm.

Some have yachts, some have canoes, and some are drowning.

Just be kind and help whoever you can.